We love seeing children, from age 3 months on! While we need to get the same info from their eye exam as from an adult’s, the process is quite different. For the very young or the slightly older ones who come in wanting glasses no matter what, we rely more on objective tests (what the doctor measures without input from the child) than the subjective (‘which is better, 1 or 2’). Children’s eye health is always evaluated at each annual exam. Drops to dilate the eye and which make the child blurry for several hours are generally necessary, but are not always done at the initial visit.
A child’s eye problem can be myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness) or astigmatism. They can have strabismus (turned eye) or other binocular vision issues. All of these can have dramatic effects on behaviour and learning. And all of them have treatments- from glasses and contact lenses to vision therapy or surgery. We make sure we have a fabulous selection of children’s glasses in a wide price range.
Myopia management is a relatively new concept and is gaining momentum now with some solid science behind it. Myopia management involves identifying children at risk of developing myopia and prescribing special contact lenses, eyedrops and/or glasses that are unique in that they slow the progression of myopia.
Annual Eye Exams for Children.
80% of learning is visual.